Free Game iPhone and iPad: Phoenix Wright Trilogy HD
The gamer certainly know what it's Capcom. And one of their best games is the series Ace Attornet: Phoenix Wright is now present in the phone, especially the iPhone. In Japan, the name of this game is Gyakuten Syaiban Yamigaeru Gyakuten. This game comes in a package that contains three different titles in a Trilogy game.
There are Ace Attorney, Justice For All and Trials and tribulations. For users Nintento DS, the third title is certainly familiar. Because these titles appeared at the glory of the DS. But for those of you who still feel unfamiliar, maybe the following explanation will remind you.
The Ace Attorney Game will bring us to a condition in which you are a lawyer. You are faced with a unique case, which you have to solve it properly. You are given the opportunity to see the crime scene, interviewing witnesses, and even suspects. And from their answers, you will be challenged to decide who is wrong and who is right.
Control is very simple, as you only have to choose the word bubbles that you think most appropriate, and so on.
Download for iPhone and iPad
Download for iPhone and iPad
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